Stay Safe

Town Pastors are out in Bury St Edmunds town centre on Saturday nights from 10.00pm until about 4.00am, helping to keep people safe. Please do come and say ‘hi’ if you see us.

Here are a few tips for a safe night out

Look after your friends: Look out for each other and never leave someone on their own. Also, don’t think about leaving a venue on your own.

Phone: If possible, make sure your phone is fully charged before your night out. Make sure you have the numbers of the people you go out with entered into your phone, so that you can find each other if you get separated. It’s great to have some taxi numbers too!

If your phone battery dies during your night out and you need to arrange you lift home or let your friends know where you are, find the Town Pastors; they carry a portable phone charger!

Emergency numbers: Make sure you have your emergency contact numbers and details on your phone before your night out. If you are unwell or have an accident, the emergency services will know who to call.

iPhone – You can put emergency contact details into ‘Medical ID’ in the Health App. When your iPhone is locked, your emergency contact details can be viewed by going to ‘Emergency’ on the passcode screen, then ‘Medical ID’ on the emergency dial screen.

Android Phone – if possible, set up an ICE (In Case of Emergency) number on your lock-screen which can be accessed without entering your password.

Watch your drinks: Remember to keep hold of your drink at all times; it’s only too easy for someone to slip something into your glass if you’re not watching.

Remember that no means no: Don’t be pressured into doing anything you don’t want to. Be firm. If you say no, make sure you say it clearly and confidently.

If something doesn’t feel right, even if you can’t pinpoint why, walk away. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, you should not feel awkward, just leave.

If at any point you feel unsafe inside a pub, bar or nightclub, go to the bar and ‘Ask for Angela’. The bar-staff should know that this means you are not feeling safe and that you need help.

You can also ask for help from the Town Pastors, bar-staff, door-staff/security or the police.

Money: Make sure you have sufficient money for a taxi home, should you need one…or a bank card to visit a cash machine at the end of the night!

Getting home: Before you go out, plan how you (and your friends) are going to get home. It is also good to think through different options in case the night doesn’t turn out the way you planned; think about how you would get home if you got separated from your friends.

If you are not going to your own home at the end of your night out, make sure you know where you are going to stay. If you’re staying somewhere new, make sure the address is saved on your phone or written on a piece of paper to keep in your phone case.

Footwear: Those amazing high-heels may not be so comfortable for walking home!

Stay safe….and enjoy your night out.