Comments from Prayer Team members who pray at the Base
‘When I moved to Bury nearly ten years ago I wanted to be involved positively in the community, and chose Town Pastors in order to do so. I cannot honestly say that I ‘enjoy’ spending a night each month in the Prayer Base, but I know it is valuable and it is an encouragement to see God answering prayer. I value working together with people from other churches and believe Town Pastors is a real witness to Christians serving together. I’m also glad to see the appreciation we have from the emergency services, clubs and civic leaders. Clearly Town Pastors is doing good things in Bury!
‘I have been part of this initiative for over ten years and have been involved with the Prayer Team both in the Base and at home. It has widened my insight into how effective the Town Pastors can and have been within the night time economy – they are part of a much wider professional group of policing and ‘caring’ but a very significant part. In the Base you feel part of the Team accessing CCTV comments and regular phone-ins from the teams. Providing hot refreshments give a welcome boost to the teams over the course of the night.’